They will move from separate to joint liability of sovereign debt guarantees, possibly leading eventually to a eurozone bond. 它们会从互相独立地承担主权债务担保义务,转变为共同承担,最终可能还会出现一种欧元区债券。
The joint of main reinforcement and stirrup shall be bond. 主筋与箍筋联结处采用绑扎。
While the hedging business did not materialise, Mr Du was able to help Morgan Stanley win a joint mandate, along with Bear Stearns, on a$ 1bn bond issue by Citic Resources. 尽管这笔对冲业务并未成为现实,但杜军能够帮助摩根士丹利获得一项共同委托权,与贝尔斯登(BearStearns)一起负责中信资源10亿美元的债券发行。
The authors investigated the effects of universal joint and specimen storage time after bonding with the universal joints on surface bond strength of medium density fiberboard ( MDF). 分析了中密度纤维板试件检测时,所用万向节数量及试件与卡头胶结后的存放时间,对表面结合强度测试结果的影响。
Ms Merkel was backed by her finance minister, Wolfgang Sch uble, who said the eurozone would become an "inflation community" if countries opted to sell a joint bond without first unifying their fiscal policies. 默克尔得到了本国财政部长沃尔夫冈朔伊布勒(wolfgangschuble)的支持,后者表示,如果欧元区国家选择在没有先统一财政政策的情况下出售联合债券,欧元区将变成一个“通胀共同体”。
Expansive cement paste and joint concrete are next. And the bond splitting tensile strength of joint surface without bond material is least. 其次是水泥膨浆和接缝混凝土,接缝面不铺筑任何接缝面材料的试块,劈裂抗拉强度最小。
The "Penalty Function" Method for Modifying the Imbedding and Contact Conditions in Three-Dimensional Joint Elements According to the character of bond, simulating bond with Goodman element was brought forwards and a computer program is developed for it. 用‘罚函数’法处理三维变厚度节理元嵌入接触问题根据粘结层的性质,提出了用Goodman单元(节理元)来模拟粘结层,并编制了相应的单元程序。
Using different joint interfacial treatment method, the bond splitting tensile strength of cubic specimens with construction joint was tested. 采用不同的施工缝接缝面处理方法,对带有施工缝的混凝土立方体试块的粘结劈裂抗拉强度进行了试验研究。
This way could measure the properties and shows the distribution law of every narrow zone of the welded joint, especially the bond line. 该方法能够准确地测定焊接接头各狭窄区域内材料的性能值以及它们的变化规律,特别是熔合线附近材料性能的变化梯度。
The results show that the most nonuniformity of mechanical properties and micro structure is located in the bond of the welded joint, and the bond is the weakest zone of the welded joint. 结果表明,在熔合区组织不均匀性与力学性能不均匀性最为严重,是焊接接头最薄弱的环节。
In this paper, the microstructures of the joints of aluminum bronze surfacing on mild steel and on stainless steel are analyzed by means of SEM, and the division and formation of bronze/ steel joint bond are studied. 借助于电子显微镜技术对在低碳钢和不锈钢上堆焊铝青铜的接头的组织进行了分析,并对铝青铜接头熔合区的形成和区域划分进行了探讨。
Toughness and Hydrogen-induced Disbonding of the Overlaying Joint Bond for lCr-1/ 2Mo Steel with Austenic Steel 1Cr-1/2Mo钢堆焊奥氏体不锈钢时溶合区韧性与氢致剥离行为的研究
The results show that different from TIG joint, the transient liquid phase bond interface disappears, the grain grows across the bond and the base elements distribute and change continuously across the bond. 结果表明,与氩弧焊接头不同,瞬态液相连接接头焊缝界面不明显,晶粒跨界面连续生长,基体元素沿焊缝区连续分布,无成分突变。
It analyzes hazard of cracks of house and merits and drawbacks of setting-up deformation joint, illustrates construction on replacing deformation joint by post grouting bond and discusses theoretical reference, and puts forward installing requirement of post grouting bond to ensure quality of engineering. 分析了房屋裂缝的危害性以及设置变形缝的优缺点,简述了后浇带代替变形缝的施工技术,并探讨了理论依据,提出了后浇带的设置要求,以确保工程质量。
That is, The China Reinsurance Group works as sponsoring agencies and establish trust, the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters of the flood assesses catastrophe risk, the Centrol or Joint Advisory integrity rating the flood catastrophe bond, flood catastrophe bonds issued by the Trust. 即由中国再保险集团担任发起机构并设立信托;由国家防汛抗旱总指挥部对洪水巨灾风险进行评估;由中诚信或联合咨询评级机构对洪水巨灾债券进行评级;由信托公司发行洪水巨灾债券。